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  • Welcome to Center ISD Center ISD is a K-12 public education school district set in the heart of the East Texas Piney Woods. Located at the geographical center of Shelby County, Center is the county seat and Center ISD is the largest school district in the county. Rated a Conference 4A district in UIL athletic and academic competition, Center ISD has 5 campuses and over 2500 students. Home to the Roughriders, we are committed to promoting academic excellence, human relations, and physical well-being to all students through programs based on equity and excellence.

News & Announcements:

Medication Notification Letter 24-25YR

Medication Notification Letter- Espanol 24-25YR


Federal Report Cards

Click HERE to view our parent letter regarding Center ISD's Federal Report Cards. Hard copies of these can be made available upon request in the front office on each campus.

Haga clic AQUÍ para ver nuestra carta para padres sobre las boletas de calificaciones federales de Center ISD. Las copias impresas de estos están disponibles a pedido en la oficina de cada campus.



Inez Hughes
Director of Federal Programs
Center ISD
Phone 1-832-615-4993
Fax 936.598.1511

Information & Notice's

To use Center ISD facilities, employees and community members must first fill out a facility rental application form. This is required for all events, including photography sessions. You can obtain a copy of the form below: 
Completed forms must be sent to



TEA conducts cyclical reviews of all districts in Texas.
A component of the cyclical monitoring process is to gather stakeholder feedback about the district, both internal and external, on the provision of special education instruction and related services.
The survey is anonymous and will help support Center ISD by gathering information from all stakeholders.
TEA will utilize the information to further develop support and resources for the district.
Information needed as part of the survey:
First Question: LEA Name: Center ISD; Region number: 7
All surveys are due to TEA on 4/1/2025. The link to complete the survey is included in the letter below.
The Office of Special Services sincerely appreciates your help and support.
Carey Agnew
Director of Special Services
Educational Diagnostician
P.O. Drawer 1689
Center, TX 75935
936-598-1600, ext. 2701

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